Customer testimonials

We knew what we wanted to happen but not how to get there. Mitch was clear about our options and gave us a number of different ideas. His response and turn-around time was excellent, and the unit he installed is exactly what we needed. I highly recommend County HVAC for professionalism, efficiency, and knowledge. Thanks Mitch!
Erin C.
Social Worker, Homeowner
Highly recommend Mitch for business. My fiance and I just moved into our house and we immediately needed to install a new water heater, furnace and air conditioner. He got it all done in record time, no issues. He gave us our options and priced everything out, as well as gave us the best product for the best price. And still responds to our messages if we ever have questions. I’m glad we put our trust into him. 5 stars
Amy C
Educator, Homeowner
We have been undergoing quite a few renovations which leads to even more questions. Mitch has been nothing but helpful upfront and honest with all of our questions. He has not only helped with my house but also my parents and my father in law. I had a very unique idea thrown at him today and he not only explained a better way to do it, but also explained his reasoning. I would trust him with any task and have plenty of more work coming his way!
Cheri G.
Sales, Homeowner